Well, its back to normal after having had the most amazing night at the Hilton Hotel overlooking the river in Newcastle. It was an honour to be at the British Professional Photography Awards It’s always surreal being at the awards surrounded by some of the biggest names in photography and my images are amongst them in the final shortlist for national awards.
It’s always a bit weird when the host says “and here are the nominees” and then you see your image 20ft wide on screens above the stage. Weird but somewhat exhilarating!
We also had the privilege of being invited guests of the world’s largest album manufacturer,
Graphistudio , who produce many of the wedding books that we’re lucky enough to create for our Bride & Grooms along with some old friends of ours –
Paul & Sarah Wilkinson.These two are a great laugh and closer ties between our businesses were sealed in the early hours.(what a moment MDs of multi national camera companies/album manufacturers/computer giants & us crashed out with bow ties off and a table full of drinks laughing the new day in, a memory that will last forever)
We were up for UK Parent and Child Photographer of the Year and UK Wedding Photographer of the Year, but it wasn’t to be this year, but, hey, who wouldn’t be pleased with being runner-up in both categories, yes RUNNER UP in the most prestigious awards in the UK.
So here’s to next year & a full year of being the Buzz Aldrin of the photography world (still cant complain there was over 2000 entries)

The image is of Jeremy Price & his partner Jane & Martin Baynes from Graphi Studio, our good friends Paul & Sarah Wilkinson & me & the boss!great times.