Stanbury Photography 2013 Review
Well as we come to the close of 2013 its at this time Jane & I look back at the year.... and what a year 2013 has been, so many new experiences, new venues & new friends. Its only as we were putting this review together that we realised just how
GOOD 2013 had been (we thought it would have been quiet but not so)and this review is only a small selection of behind the scenes & weddings if we included our portrait & fashion shoots this post would be huge, so grab yourself a cup of tea, get comfy as here is a small insight into our year......
2013 was the year that our workshops to help improve other photographers took off and we started really on a high with Photo Training Overseas in Lanzarote with photographers joining us from the UK & Ireland

We also managed an amazing early morning shoot in the Lanzarote hills with a Royal Ballet trained Dancer Paris for her portfolio

Over 2013 we were asked to provide more seminars & training with our good friends and worlds largest wedding album company Graphistudio of Italy, who asked us to do a series of seminars on their display stand at Europe's largest photography trade show

And workshops for the top Pro Camera company Hasselblad Cameras at Chateaux Impeny in the midlands & the first ever Shoot London (ShootLDN) aimed at the fashion & top end photography world

Over The last twelve months we have also presented photography workshops & seminars in The South West, various locations in London & a great workshop in Northern Ireland we also met some amazing photographers and made many new friends around the UK & Ireland.

2013 was also a good year for awards, most notably Regional winner of the Wedding Album of the Year & bronze award for UK wedding Album of the Year, along with Gold awards for our portraiture, weddings & service in general.

Also I was nominated in the prestigious Hasselblad Masters as the only UK photographer in the wedding section, this is a world wide competition and Masters status has been awarded to some of the most famous photographers in the world

But all what we have achieved in 2013 and what we hope to achieve in 2014 would not be possible without YOU, our fabulous clients. We have had one of the best years ever, we have laughed with you, cried with you and witnessed your lives change forever and we are so proud that you chose us to capture the memories that you will hold forever.... we really do have the best job in the world. Here is a very small insight into our 2013 wedding journey, we could have posted 10 times as many images but the post would be huge so after much thought here is a few of our fave images of 2013.......

So that was a small look at 2013 a huge thank you to you our Bride & Grooms, our family portraits, our fashion and commercial clients, our actors, our babies....
our friends. We are a family run business and the business is our family and thats how we want to stay, our joy is seeing the joy & emotion in peoples faces as they see their images, their memories. This has been our 18th Year in business and we have seen many changes but one thing has always stayed the same...
our passion for photography, it really is our life. So heres to 2014 we have so many exciting things to share with you as our journey continues with new couples who's lives will change, new stories to tell, new smiles and new adventures. All that is left is to say have a Happy Christmas & A Prosperous New Year. All our love David,Jane,Kayla,Shanna & Cavan AKA 'The Stanburys' xxxxx