Fashion Photography with Graphistudio & Hasselblad
I love photographing amazing outfits & people in stunning locations be that a wedding or as in this case a fashion shoot, and what could be more glamorous than shooting a
designer dress with a wonderful model in the magnificent
Liverpool city centre. As regular followers of our blog will know I recently had the honour or speaking at
the Photography Show at the NEC in Birmingham and one of our sponsors
Graphistudio of Italy had a dress made consisting of all the sample leather covers that they offered on their amazing wedding albums and as the show came to an end I was approached to photograph the dress. As if this wasn't enough our other sponsors
Hasselblad Cameras invited me to shoot the dress with their new camera the fantastic H5D 50 cmos boasting a 50 megapixel back and 14 stops of Dynamic range (thats photographer talk for its a fab quality camera)and here are the results of the evenings fun.
We started at one of my fave locations St Georges Hall in the city centre with our brilliant model Bethany...

Then as the light faded we finished on the Waterfront

A huge thanks to Jeremy Price of Graphistudio, Designer Aleah Leigh Fashion Designs, Mark Witney of Hasselblad, Broncolour for our lighting and of course our model Bethany Cammack. The whole shoot was filmed for a photography TV channel so will share that with you when it comes out, a great evenings fun as our busiest wedding season ever is about to start. ttfn David x