Thornton Manor Wedding Photographers - David & Sacha's Wedding
We knew that David & Sacha's wedding at Thornton Manor was going to be fun from our very first meeting with them when they booked us as their Thornton Manor Wedding Photographers, they had so much happening on their wedding day all at one of cheshire's most exclusive wedding venus. David & Sacha were just brilliant to photograph on the day, they are so much in love and have great family & friends and this in turn made this an amazing wedding add to that 2 dresses, ice sulptures 10 piece band and a choccywoccydoodah wedding cake and much more.... phew what a day!!
As Jane grabbed a few shots of Sacha getting ready in the morning I met David and the lads outside for a few nervous groom photos but after the ceremony then came the fun & laughter that never stopped all day. Thornton Manor is just a perfect wedding venue, the gardens are magnificent and the lighting indoor is just a dream for us photographers especially with the glorious weather that we had on the wedding day. After the speeches and the most beautiful sunset Sacha disappeared and returned with a couture dress designed for her and WOW did she look amazing!!! then it was party time and a few more wedding photos with a difference. All in all David & Sacha's Thornton Manor Wedding had a bit of everything, well why not........enjoy the photo's