Sometimes photographers give you all the blurb as how they positioned, crafted, shaped the shot now this is true even of myself, but every now & then you just get lucky & the image appears infront of your eyes. Now before I call this image a ‘fluke’ I wanted the bride to walk along the tractor path for an image from the rear but as she lifted her dress the shape just appeared and ‘BANG’ the opera music started and a stunning image appeared, and being in the right place at the right time (aherm) I shot said image.
Was it a fluke I will let you decide, the ego in me says of course not but Jane ( not one to be competitive) say’s different.
I have just gone thru a weekend of cornfield images and will show them on the blog in the near future, there’s something about cornfields I do love perhaps the colour, landscape, or even the fact my first award was a cornfield image or just memories of summer walks with Jane & the kids.

Canon 5D mkii / 24-70 2.8L / 200 iso / 400th & f8
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