Photoshoot at The Vincent Hotel.....coming soon
Leah & Simon are getting married at the chic Vincent Hotel in Southport next year and we met up with them for a photoshoot in and around the Vincent. More to come soon.

Wedding Photography at Samlesbury Hall - Melanie & Robin
Wedding photography at Samlesbury Hall in the glorious sunshine,pimms on the lawn,guests laughing and a gorgeous couple….. can you get anymore English Wedding than that.
I had been secretly looking forward to this wedding as it had been a while since we last photographed a wedding at Samlesbury Hall in the beautiful Lancashire countryside and it was well worth the wait. We met Melanie at the Millstone in Mellor with her bridesmaids & parents…
The two pageboys were already stealing the show
Ah, another use for bridal underskirts :)
Melanie looked absolutely gorgeous
After a slight panic (the M61 Motorway being closed) Robin and the lads arrived
The Bride arrived in a beautiful Vintage Rolls Royce Wedding Car
I love this shot with Melanies proud Dad reflected in the cars window
A proud Mum & Dad

Melanie & Robins wedding ceremony was at the curiously named St Leonards the Less and had the happiest of Vicars, she smiled all the way through and it was a great service
Samlesbury Hall is a fantastic wedding venue and on such a glorious day made a perfect backdrop
The ‘Wedding Party’ what a great bunch they were so up for a laugh
Bride & Groom Photography time….
Samlesbury Hall looked stunning inside aswell as outside, beautiful flowers to continue the English Wedding theme
Very funny speeches bringing even more laughter out on the day
Wedding photography at Samlesbury Hall is a joy & thanks to Melanie, Robin, their families & freinds for allowing us to be part of their special day.
If you are thinking of or are getting married at Samlesbury Hall then please contact us about our wedding photography services, we would love to photograph another wedding at this stunning venue. D&Jx
Please feel free to leave your comments for the couple

Happy Fathers Day
Sunday 16th June is Fathers Day here in the UK, a time to celebrate & thank your Dad for being your Dad and so in tribute to Dad’s I decided to do a post with a few of my favourite Father moments captured at our Weddings. I am honoured to have 3 children and when my second Daughter was born the midwife turned to me and said’ David, another Wedding to pay for’. Being a Dad is brilliant but being a Dad to a Daughter is special as you wait all her life for that special moment, her Wedding when she marries that other man in her life, after all Dad has waited all her life for this one moment as I am waiting for mine (but I hopefully have the pleasure of doing it twice).I dont know about you reading this blog but every time I look at these images I see my kids…. playing,laughing,being angels…..asking for money,coming home late!!!!! but I wouldn’t change it for the world, if your a Dad you know what I mean :) Happy Fathers Day to all you proud Dads

Wedding Tips #..... is back
Last year this was a way of posting some fun/serious/emotional/crazy images from over the last few years photography and I have received a few emails asking to start it again, so new blog,new website and now in with Wedding Tips#. Now before we go any further this is a fun look, tongue in cheek look at some tips for weddings and please dont take them seriously…… well not all anyway.Enjoy
Wedding Tip #083
Wedding Underskirts make great tents
Wedding Photography Workshops at Chateau Impney
I started presenting Wedding Photography Workshops at the beginning of the year and it was a huge honour to be asked by the one of the worlds leading camera manufacturers Hasselblad to host a Wedding Workshop in conjunction with Broncolour Lighting,Epson Uk & Eizo Monitors at the stunning Chateau Impney in Worcestershire UK. The day was brilliant with delgates from all over the UK learning how I shoot weddings with my Hasselblad & a few wedding photography tips along the way
We woke up to the most glorious day, beautiful sunshine and the day started with a slideshow of how I approach photographing the wedding,what I am looking for on the day & how I achieve the look & images I want. The hands on part of the day started in the Bridal suite with our model Sophie
I love to get different effects in camera, one way of softening an image is to shoot through the Brides veil, it gives a 20′s style look & feel to the image
Then it was outside into the hot sunshine & enter the Broncolour Move lighting and Jane demonstrating how she throws the veil to get the best look, not to high… not to low
The Broncolour Move runs from a battery pack that seemed to last forever and was light & portable, so handy for Weddings and on a sunny day like we had it really lifted the images and gave them a bit of punch
The image quality from Hasselblad cameras is phenomenal, the detail & dynaic range of these cameras just blows me away
I thought I would give the flash a proper test and see just how powerful it was and as you see below it had no problems… remember this was approx 3pm on the sunniest day of the year & the broncolour wasnt at full power, crazy!!!!
I also wanted to show the delegates that you CAN hand hold the Hasselblad camera and use as a dslr style camera and so speeding up the picture taking
This was more my usual style of shooting using a reflector held by Jane to the side of Sophie and bouncing the light back into her.
Chateau Impneys grounds are vast and a photographers dream so down to the river we went for a different style of image. I wanted something a bit more fairytale,more bohemian so Sophie threw off her shoes & in glorious sunshine walked along the river bank to capture some gorgeous casual images
Back inside to the stunning staircase & another aspect of the Broncolour system is the daylight balanced LED Video light solving the problem of low light
I love this image & a great photograph to end a fantastic day, back to the room to download our images using the Eizo monitors & then printed out by Epson UK so the delegates could not only see their results but also take them home.
A Huge thank you to Hasselblad, Broncolour UK, Epson UK and Eizo Monitors for all their help and the huge contributions they made, to Chateau Impney for their hospitality and importantly a massive Thank You to all the delgates who came to learn how to shoot weddings with Hasselblad cameras, I had such fun and have made so many new friends. A fantastic day & heres to my NEXT Wedding Photography Workshop…. very soon, watch this space.
If anybody is planning their wedding photography at Chateau Impney then please give me a call, would love to shoot a wedding here. Dx

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