When you arrive & are greeted by laughter then you know its going to be a good wedding as was the case at Lisa’s.All the girls & a very cool Ricardo,Rob & Lisa’s son were in high spirits all captured by the videographer
Mike Roberts in his usual style.I love working with Mike, its always a laugh.
Lisa & Rob looked absolutely stunning & a packed church made for a fantastic atmosphere and great shots. The reception was in the Lakeside suite at Kilhey Court Hotel.

Thanks to Rob & Lisa for a great day… see you soon.D.
tremendous as usual Dave and Jane
tremendous again Dave and Jane
i just wanted to comment on this wedding. lisa is one of my very loyal clients. i tended to her hair and the bridesmaids on her wedding day. ive never seen a bride look so beautiful. i was sobbing. your photographers were excellent and never once did anyone feel uneasy in your company.
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